
Personal Training Studio in Cleveland

Transform Your Body in Just 45 Minutes a Day!

Fast, Effective Workouts Designed for Your Busy Schedule.
Your Fitness Journey Begins Here!

All Fitness Levels Welcome

From First-Timers to Seasoned Pros, Our Gym Is Designed to Meet You Where You Are.

Expert Trainers and Nutrition Pros Committed to Your Success

Our Professional Team Guides You Every Step of the Way, Helping You Achieve Maximum Results Safely and Efficiently!

Enjoy Every Step of Your Fitness Journey!

Crush Your Goals with Workouts That Are as Enjoyable as They Are Effective!

One Size Doesn’t Fit All.
Let’s Create a Plan Just for You.

Complete Health Coaching

Regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, our programs are designed to offer you the right amount of flexibility and customization to deliver results!
Start Your Transformation Today!Contact us For More Info
Main Programs

Getting started is easy


Meet with a Coach

Tell us your fitness goals, and our coaches will craft the perfect starting plan tailored to your needs and the level of support you desire.

Develop a Plan

Enjoy customized guidance designed for your body and goals, with expert support throughout your journey.

Transform Your Life

Getting fit is tough; staying fit takes commitment. We're here to help you build lasting habits for long-term success.

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Cleveland Residents

Everything you need to crush your fitness goals

Group Fitness Classes

Accountability Check-ins

Top of the Line Workout Equipment

Nutrition Guidance

Personal Training

Open Gym

Fitness Edge Cleveland

Our community is what makes us special. And it's what will keep you going

At Fitness Edge, our community is your biggest cheerleader, here to push you forward when things get tough. For 26 years, we’ve walked this journey with people like you, focusing on real, lasting results—not quick fixes. Your success is our priority!

Conveniently located 10 minutes west of downtown Cleveland, north of I-90 in the heart of Lakewood.

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Fitness Edge Cleveland is easily accessible from Downtown Cleveland and surrounding suburbs.

Come visit us

15649 Madison Ave, Lakewood, OH 44107
Get Directions

Questions? We (probably) have the answers!

Still curious? Talk to us!

Life’s too short to not have optimal health. Get started today!

Your Fitness Journey Begins Here!
Final Offer
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